
Anand just mentioned at his presentation at RIPE 72 that the RIPE NCC
is now implementing RIPE 663:


There were a couple of suggestions for tweaks to that:

1. Gaurab and I think that there should be an exemption for ccTLD who
   do not currently have IPv6 service. (There are a few tens of ccTLD
   who do not yet have IPV6, and I would like the RIPE NCC to be
   able to help them get IPv6 service if they want it.)

2. Gaurab mentioned that there are some ccTLD who have 3 servers but
   they are all in the same network. The document should be flexible in
   order to insure network diversity.

I know the document is less than 6 months old and just being
implemented now, but maybe we can revise it to include these two
changes? I'm happy to do a quick pass at text for this if that makes



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