Colleagues, here's the draft agenda for RIPE71. Please note that this is 
subject to change, most likely in the running order. A definitive agenda will 
be circulated in a couple of weeks.

I'll remind you all that the WG co-chair appointment process is under way. 
There's still time for volunteers to come forward. It would be nice to see more 
statements of support for those who have volunteered too.

Hope to see you all in sunny Bucharest next month.

#       $Id: agenda,v 1.6 2015/10/21 22:01:47 jim Exp $

                            FIRST SESSION

A. Usual Administrivia                                  5 mins
        Agenda bashing
        Minutes of previous meeting
        Review of Action Items

B. NCC Report                                           15 mins
        Anand Buddhdev

C. Measuring the impact of IPv6 resolver preference     20 mins
        Chris Baker, Dyn

D. Impact of DNS over TCP - a resolver point of view    20 mins
        Joao Damas, Bondis

The impact two very different aspects of the life of a recursive
server were examined for this project: queries to authoritative
servers as well as the queries from stub resolvers. Traffic from two
different ISP's recursive resolvers was captured to analyse the
potential impact on the servers of long lived TCP sessions,
investigating the effect of timeout settings, the total number of
simultaneous connections that would be kept open and the potential
benefits of connection reuse as proposed in the current version of
draft-ietf-dnsop-5966bis, with the intent of offering simulated
operational advice, based on observed traffic.

E. Integration testing of DNS Recursive servers         15 mins
        Ondřej Surý, CZ.NIC

A generic testing framework was produced as a part of developing the
Knot Resolver. This framework is written in python and can use UNIX
domain sockets to bypass the underlying physical network.

F. Discussion of latest SSAC recommendations            15 mins
        SSAC Stuckee

                            SECOND SESSION

G. Discovery method for a validating stub resolver      20 mins
        Xavier Gorjón, NLnetLabs

This research project aims to develop a discovery method to ensure
DNSSEC information can be delivered to the end host. It used RIPE
ATLAS to study the current state of DNSSEC aware and DNSSEC validating
resolvers, and define a course of action from that information. The
project explored a novel method to discover the capabilities of the
ISP's recursive resolver and bypass incompetent Customer-premises
equipment (CPE) middle-boxes to target the often more capable ISP's
resolver directly.

H. DNSSEC for Legacy Applications                       15 mins
        Willem Toorop, NLnetLabs
Validating stub resolvers are hampered by middle boxes (typically CPE)
that corrupt the path from the stub to the recursive resolver. Using
the getdns library and the Linux/Unix name resolution framework,
libnss_getdns provides (stub-level) DNSSEC validation for legacy
applications. This module can work around broken middle boxes by
double checking bogus answers. It also offers in-path signalling of
DNSSEC failure for http, informing the end-user why validation failed
and giving them control of deciding how to deal with that.

I. Implementation challenges of geographic split-horizon DNS    20 mins
        Jan Včelák, CZ.NIC

There are multiple ways to find a network service according to a
client's geographic location. One possibility is to perform a
split-horizon at the DNS level. The presentation will briefly inform
about existing approaches, problems introduced by this mechanism,
possible solutions of these problems, and experience we gained when
implementing this feature into Knot DNS.

J. Root Zone KSK rollover                               30 mins
        Roy Arends, IANA

K. WG Co-chair appointment                              5 mins


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