I wrote this a while back, there was some interest in at the time but it never 
went anywhere:



> On 26 Feb 2025, at 18:00, Phillip Hallam-Baker <ph...@hallambaker.com> wrote:
> I am currently taking a hard look at mechanisms for using DNS Handles as a 
> means for exchange of authenticated and non-authenticated contact information 
> via JSContact.
> As part of that, I wanted to know if there was any *existing* use of the 
> SSHFP record for publishing SSH credentials and if so whether it was limited 
> to the server. And yes, I can read the specs, what I am asking about is 
> actual practice.
> If there is existing use, it might be something to build on. Otherwise, I 
> think it best to forget it and apply the same SRV/TXT framework used for 
> everything else.
> The basic idea of JSContacts in handles being that I can put 
> @phill.hallambaker.com [phill.hallambaker.com] on my business card or a 
> publication, someone can pull the TXT record and get a uri that is a locator, 
> decryptor and authenticator all in one:
> _jscontact.phill.hallambaker.com [jscontact.phill.hallambaker.com]. IN TXT 
> "uri=jscontact://mplace2.social/egm3-lbnd-upo4-yxha-fy7p-hiim-y4kq"
> That egm3-lbnd-upo4-yxha-fy7p-hiim-y4kq bit is a truncated SHA-3 digest of 
> the contact data. So if my SSH key is in the contact and the TXT record is 
> DNSSEC signed, we have at least some authentication of the contact.
> Alternatively, I might put the jscontact link on my business card as a QR 
> code. So now, you can scan the link and get direct verification.
> mplace2.social is just a resolution hint, a domain that currently has the 
> contact information. If that is going to be in a paper publication, the 
> resolution site might have changed but not the contact itself.
> jscontact: @phill.hallambaker.com/egm3-lbnd-upo4-yxha-fy7p-hiim-y4kq 
> [phill.hallambaker.com]
> Since my publication engine has to populate the TXT records, it can do SSHFP 
> in theory. But I see no reason to do that if it hasn't already established a 
> user base.
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Gavin Brown
Principal Engineer, Global Domains & Strategy
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)


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