On Wed, Dec 18, 2024 at 07:58:33AM +0100, Philip Homburg wrote:

> > 
> > My understanding is that they are using a signer that does not make 
> > algorithm rollovers easy. They are going for what seems to be less risky 
> > for them.
> > 
> To put it more strongly, what I got through the grapevine is that the issue
> is one risk assessment. There is a risk that something will go wrong and
> that .fi will become bogus. On the other hand, there is essentially no
> DNSSEC use by bigger sites in .fi.
> There are about 7000 sites in .fi that do DANE, but it seems that those are
> not important enough to warrant keeping .fi signed.

FWIW, the top 10 Tranco-rated .fi DNSSEC-signed web domains are:

    foreca․fi 9291
    plat․fi 34059
    iki․fi 35603
    kapsi․fi 43283
    zoner․fi 49867
    s-pankki․fi 52346
    suomi․fi 53896
    gigantti․fi 59963
    finlandabroad․fi 61954
    kennelliitto․fi 66979

Though Tranco is a not a particularly good fit for guaging the
importance of email domains, the top 10 Tranco-rated DANE-SMTP 
domains are:

    iki.fi 35603
    io-tech.fi 73354
    f-solutions.fi 175343
    tsv.fi 237806
    foobar.fi 252011
    ivr.fi 256200
    trex.fi 284843
    mau.fi 338539
    riemurasia.fi 423891
    handelsbanken.fi 426719


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