Hello, I am interested to learn how ccTLD operators handle zone file management. For example, I am the owner of .IO ccTLD and I would like to manage this domain. Do I only create a single zone file .io and all the entries to that file? Or do I need to to create a zone file for each domain that gets added to the list. Ex, a customer bought the domain hello.io, ministry.gov.io etc.
Managing multiple zone files for each customer seems a tough task to manage, in the case of BIND, config needs to updated to include zone information for the new domain. Hence, I am interested to know the common deployment strategy to manage multiple domains under a ccTLD. When it comes to software, BIND has zone files, where each customer zone needs to be created in the cofig. Or is just a single zone file? Apprreciate any feedback, suggestions. Regards, Aharen
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