Now I really feel like the PHB from Dilbert.
Brought this up on dev scrum this morning and apparently SVCB and HTTPS
has been supported here since last year.
No mention of it on our website though :(
- mark
On 2024-10-22 7:52 PM, Mark E. Jeftovic wrote:
I hadn't even heard of SCVB until now.
On 2024-10-22 7:43 PM, Paul Vixie wrote:
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every few years the cdn world proposes something like an ALIAS RR. usually it
fails at the problem-statement stage. afterward a few more innovators hack
their own name servers to do what they need -- usually in a unique way and
often in a way that blows chunks when other differently-hacked name servers get
a look at the on-the-wire signaling.
mark andrews sometimes reminds us that SRV is /n/ decades old and had the web
adopted it even /n-1/ decades ago these problems would no longer be with us.
now we're getting SVCB and HTTPS records. that'll take a while to push CNAME
aside but it's the right horse to bet on, vs. getting innovators to stop
inventing new ways to avoid change CNAME for their own use cases.
Mark E. Jeftovic <>
Co-founder & CEO easyDNS Technologies Inc.
+1-(416)-535-8672 ext 225
/"Never expect a thing you do not want,
and never desire a thing you do not expect."
-- Bob Proctor /
Mark E. Jeftovic <>
Co-founder & CEO easyDNS Technologies Inc.
+1-(416)-535-8672 ext 225
/"Never expect a thing you do not want,
and never desire a thing you do not expect."
-- Bob Proctor /
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