While debugging a mail delivery problem, I've encountered the following 
behavior that was surprising to me, and I wanted to check my understanding.

If I query this on my own recursive nameservers (that uses BIND 

 $ dig mx.l3harris.com <http://mx.l3harris.com/> A

... I get back a valid A record, with "status: NOERROR" and "ANSWER: 1". So 
far, so good.

If I then query the same label with a TXT type:

 $ dig mx.l3harris.com <http://mx.l3harris.com/> TXT

... I get back a "status: NXDOMAIN" response. That's fine, but if I then repeat 
the first query:

 $ dig mx.l3harris.com <http://mx.l3harris.com/> A

... it no longer works. I get a "status: NXDOMAIN" response until the negative 
cache result from the TXT lookup expires.

I don't think this is just my server, because I'm able to reproduce this at 
some public recursive DNS servers, like

 $ dig mx.l3harris.com A @ | grep -o -E '(status|ANSWER): \S+'
 status: NOERROR,
 $ dig mx.l3harris.com TXT @ | grep -o -E '(status|ANSWER): \S+'
 status: NXDOMAIN,
 $ dig mx.l3harris.com A @ | grep -o -E '(status|ANSWER): \S+'
 status: NXDOMAIN,

Am I correct that it's wrong for an authoritative DNS server to return NXDOMAIN 
for a TXT query in the case where an A query for the same label would be 
successful? If so, why do some recursive servers cache that result, and others 

And finally, does anyone know of a reputable-seeming public tool I can use to 
show the administrator of this zone that there's a problem?

Robert L Mathews

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