Last call: The survey will close in 24 hours.


Thank you very much to those of you who already filled the survey!

If you did not yet please take 4 minutes of your time, it's pretty easy with lots of multiple choice, so that you'll hardly have to type anything yourself!

We'd like to draw some conclusions from the results *by this Friday*, so don't schedule it for later: click now on the link and contribute with your experience for next week's discussion.

Petr Špaček
Internet Systems Consortium

On 13. 05. 24 10:05, Petr Špaček wrote:
Dear DNS colleagues,

I invite you all to an open discussion about Open source quality assurance & risk mitigation. Hopefully this is relevant to many participants here as I believe that open source and DNS go well together.

To fuel the discussion please fill out a 5-minute survey here:

Our goal is to find out what people actually look for when assessing open source quality and risks associated with the software.

The actual discussion will take place during hybrid RIPE 88 meeting in Krakow, Poland on Thursday 2024 May 23, starting around 14:00 UTC+2 - during Open source working group session.

Remote participation is available free of charge [1].

You opinions are very welcome even if you don't plan to attend the meeting!


Thank you for your time - and see you in the meeting, at least virtually!

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