On 5/27/15, 9:09, "Roland Dobbins" <rdobb...@arbor.net> wrote:

>On 27 May 2015, at 19:00, Mark Andrews wrote:
>> Yes, EDNS compliance issues have been traced to scrubbing services and
>> firewalls.
>Competent DDoS scrubbing <> EDNS0 problems, FYI.  If that's happening
>with some specific scrubbing service, it's because those particular
>organizations are Doing It Wrong.

I can accept that ... but are so many doing it so wrong that the graphs
are headed in the wrong direction?

(Asking in the sense : what's the right way to reverse the apparent trend?
 I say "apparent" because it might be the measurement that is faulty.  --
Jes'sayin'.  IOW - a starting question: is there really a problem?)

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