Hi Peter

This is because package verification fails, you can see this in the console 
log. Devuan has forgotten to renew its signing key on time, which is major 
fault. All install images need to be regenerated but it seems that hasn't been 

A workaround, not a nice one, is to set your clock to a date before the key 
was expired. Unfortunately you can't update the repository signing key in the 
installer env the way it was posted here.

Change to a console with alt-F2, hit enter to activate it, and set the date 
        date -s "2022-08-31"

...then try again to configure the package manager.

Regards, Adrian.

In der Nachricht vom Monday, 5 September 2022 17:49:23 CEST steht:
> Sorry if this has been addressed before - I did look through the posts,
> but couldn't see anything relevant. Also sorry if I'm missing something
> obvious.
> I'm trying to install chimaera on a virtualbox VM, using the netinstall
> image (devuan_chimaera_4.0.0_amd64_netinstall.iso, dated Nov 18 2021) -
> I've done this many times before, without a problem. This time, when I
> get to "configure the packet manager", it comes back with "The
> installer failed to access the mirror". I used wireshark to check that
> it's talking to the network and the server - it appears to be doing so
> (accessing server at
> I'm wondering if it could be another effect of the recent key expiry
> problem.
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  Adrian Zaugg
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  044 291 02 38

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