On Wed, Aug 31, 2022 at 09:14:31AM +0200, marc wrote:
> Hi
> Just a quick note that in the last week or so google seems
> have ratcheted up its rejection of mail from independent MTAs
> a notch or two.
> IF you check your logs, you might see 550 rejects with a message
> such as
>   Our system has detected that this message is likely
>   unsolicited mail. To reduce the amount of spam sent
>   to Gmail, this message has been blocked. Please visit
>   https://support.google.com/mail/?p=UnsolicitedMessageError
>   for more information.

I haven't seem gmail rejecting mail from my MX since I setup a skeleton
DMARC a while back. I just checked my logs for the last ten days, and
haven't seen a single rejection from gmail, even though my MX has sent
quite a bit of mail to them during that time.

I have toyed more than once with the question of what would happen if
a group of us running our own mail exchanges made the choice to
reject mail from gmail.com with a 550? If a few of us did it, we might
miss mail we maybe wanted to get. If a bunch of us did it, then a
bunch of gmail users would complain to google. My guess is google's
response would be "this is a free service; if it doesn't work for you,
then don't use it."

As for classic e-mail, I have to concur that's gone. In my book
classic e-mail means no DMARC/SPF/DKIM no valid PTR records, and
sending mail from dynamic IP addresses directly. That's not happening,
and we have the spammers to thank for that. If everyone played nice,
that internet would probably still exist.


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