On Sun, 2022-07-31 at 09:09 -0500, goli...@devuan.org wrote:
> On 2022-07-31 07:29, Peter Duffy wrote:
> > 
> > Is it worth while considering putting a link to the article on
> > devuan.org, together with a response answering the criticisms in
> > detail?
> > 
> devuan.org is not a social news service for trivia. If any Devuan 
> articles were to be posted, it should be these:
> http://dev1galaxy.org/files/Linux_Magazine_171_Reprint_Devuan.pdf
> http://dev1galaxy.org/files/Linux_Magazine_Reprint_Devuan.pdf
> But beating our own drum publicly invites a response and we really
> don't 
> need to stir that pot again . . . IMO, of course.
> We are #2 in Distrowatch rankings (from user reviews not ratings ie
> the 
> bean counter). That speaks for itself. Run silent, run deep . . .
> golinux

For what it's worth, here's my own view. The article makes claims
about, and accusations against, devuan which either deliberately or
from misconceptions are clearly erroneous. The question is whether or
not these claims could damage the reputation of devuan and put people
off trying it. If not - we don't need to do anything. But if so - there
should be a rebuttal of the claims and accusations. It could be done by
posting a comment in response to the original article. But that would
originate from - or at least would appear to originate from - a single
individual, and unless the response was discussed and debated
beforehand, it would probably clash to some extent with the collective
views of the devuan community. An "official" and semi-permanent
response posted on devuan.org or in some other appropriate place would
be seen as coming from the devuan project as a whole. If one of the IT
news sites like register.com got interested in the debate, it would
probably be good publicity for devuan, if nothing else.

As I say - if we take the view that the article is a storm in a teacup,
to be forgotten soon, we probably don't need to do anything. I know the
value of "run silent, run deep". But my own current motto - in
connection with systemd and just about everything else which is
happening and not happening at the moment - is: "Do not go gentle into
that good night: rage, rage against the dying of the light".

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