Hi Karl,

On 5/11/22 05:02, k...@aspodata.se wrote:
The Sun Compact 1 three button mouse is 1200 baud, 8 data bits, no
parity and sends 5 bytes in Mouse Systems protocol.  Byte 0 is button
info. exactly the same as msc.  Byte 1 is 8 bit signed X movement. Byte
2 is 8 bit signed Y movement.  Bytes 3, 4 are zero.

That fits the Mousesystems protocol as described in man mouse.

The problem seems to be that movement info. is not being sent or is
incorrect when the middle button is down.  The inputattach program
appears to be decoding the mouse protocol so I think that is where the
problem is.  I am not a C programmer so I can't determine what is wrong.

If I look at utils/inputattach.c from

inputattach does
. option handling
. sets the line discipline:
   ldisc = N_MOUSE;
   if (ioctl(fd, TIOCSETD, &ldisc) < 0) {
. sets the device type (e.g. it's a MSC mouse)
   ioctl(fd, SPIOCSTYPE, &devt)
. goes into the background (daemon())
. stays there just emptying the input buffer of the serial port

So, inputattach does not decode the byte stream from the mouse.
Instead it seems that the kernels drivers/input/mouse/sermouse.c
does that. Look in the
  static void sermouse_process_msc(struct sermouse *sermouse, signed char data)

So... the "input" way is too buggy. Why not consider the deprecated X11
mouse driver.


You should be able to do lsinput from input-utils package to see which
/dev/input/inputX file your mouse's byte stream transformed as events
would appear. And then run input-events X to see the events. E.g.:

# lsinput | tail
open /dev/input/event11: No such device or address

    bustype : BUS_I8042
    vendor  : 0x2
    product : 0xa
    version : 0
    name    : "TPPS/2 IBM TrackPoint"
    phys    : "isa0060/serio1/input0"
    bits ev : (null) (null) (null)
Why did you pick event10?
I have event0 to 21 also mice and mouse0 in that directory.

# input-events -t 100 10
    bustype : BUS_I8042
    vendor  : 0x2
    product : 0xa
    version : 0
    name    : "TPPS/2 IBM TrackPoint"
    phys    : "isa0060/serio1/input0"
    bits ev : (null) (null) (null)

waiting for events
11:58:57.217543: (null) ??? (0x110) pressed
11:58:57.217543: (null) code=0 value=0
11:58:57.356137: (null) ??? (0x110) released
11:58:57.356137: (null) code=0 value=0
11:58:59.084678: (null) ??? (0x112) pressed
11:58:59.084678: (null) code=0 value=0
11:58:59.225056: (null) ??? (0x112) released
11:58:59.225056: (null) code=0 value=0
11:58:59.613730: (null) ??? (0x111) pressed
11:58:59.613730: (null) code=0 value=0
11:58:59.689984: (null) ??? (0x111) released
11:58:59.689984: (null) code=0 value=0

Where I pressed the left, middle and lastly right button on my laptop.

/Karl Hammar

Dng mailing list
I think we are barking up the wrong tree here. The application sees the button because the pointer freezes when it is pressed. What is missing is X and Y movement info. while the button is pressed.

Best regards,
Dng mailing list

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