Dear list,

I just want to share the two most important things I learned yesterday:

1.) I can "delete" files for which I do not have write permissions, if
    the containing directory is writable by me:

    || The system deletes files automatically when their reference
    || counts drops to zero. The owner of the file doesn't matter.

2.) On logout, the user's processes are not terminated because they had
    been spawned from a common "ancestor" process, but because they have
    a common "session id" (SID). 

As I have not been able to find a detailed documentation of what's
happening on quitting a session, I think about writing a summary of the
related mechanisms in the pre-systemd world. Thus, I'd like to ask you
for hints about related resources, also regarding the "backgrounding"
and "detaching" of processes

Thank you and libre Grüße,

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