A server normally does not have a graphics card and is often headless (no screen, mouse and keyboard) so a GUI would take away performance and storage capacity for nothing. Therefore the server image only installs a command line environment if I am correct. The installation assistant is quite minimal since there is not much there yet to use. It is not a live image that boots up a whole system and copies itself but kind of like a OS that is only doing one task: Installing a customized Devuan system by extracting and configuring packages from the collection of packages on it. You did not really write much about why you need to use a NTFS file system during installation so I can not really come up with solutions. The same goes for graphics. However if you just need to get some data to the installer consider formatting a USB stick or SD card in another file system like FAT (old, limitations, works everywhere) or ext4 (Linux-only [meaning the kernel, Devuan is a GNU/Linux distribution]). Consider downloading packages you need and copying them to a stick so you can install them on your server.

Best regards

Emanuel Loos

On 2/8/22 5:39 PM, Ismael L. Donis Garcia wrote:
When installing the devuan_daedalus_5.0.preview-20220207_amd64_server.iso file do I get a graphical linux installation or only console? I recently installed an older version and got a non-graphical installation as a result, also it didn't allow me to mount an NTFS partition during the installation, only using the installation disk since I don't have Internet access on the PC where I am going to mount it
Best Regards
Devuan User: http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=devuan <http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=devuan> Web Site: http://www.sisconge.byethost15.com/ <http://www.sisconge.byethost15.com/> https://gitlab.uic.cu/ismael.donis/sistema-de-contabilidad-general/ <https://gitlab.uic.cu/ismael.donis/sistema-de-contabilidad-general/>

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