o1bigtenor via Dng <dng@lists.dyne.org> wrote:

> When this (streaming device only works with the vendor's DNS) happens
> - - - is there a way to
> counter or change that particular behavior?
> (Fascinating what's all connected!!!)

Obviously when you buy those closed boxes, you get what’s lent and it does what 
the vendor wants it to do.

But with DNS, you have the option to filter the DNS packets at the firewall and 
re-direct them to the internal DNS server. But you also have to arrange for the 
replies to get re-written as well so the devices sees the replies as having 
come back from the same address it sent the query to. Fundamentally this needs 
the traffic to pass through the firewall in both directions - either because 
the firewall is in the traffic path, or because it’s the default router for the 
DNS server.

There’s a lot of stuff in the Shorewall FAQs, though I guess they “lose a bit 
in translation” if you aren’t familiar with Shorewall and it’s config files.


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