On Fri, 21 Jan 2022 15:45:46 +0100
Florian Zieboll via Dng <dng@lists.dyne.org> wrote:
> Hallo list,
> after the latest kernel-update (chimaera, from 5.10.0-10-amd64 to
> 5.10.0-11-amd64), my desktop's initramfs no longer finds the swap
> (suspend/resume) partition. 
> Running 'update-initramfs -u' returns the correct UUID "to resume
> from", and also adding the line
>       resume=UUID=<correct UUID here>
> to '/etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume' does not solve the issue:
> Booting stalls for half a minute and then continues with the
> information that it "gave up waiting for suspend/resume device".
> On examining this I noticed, that my block devices are no longer named
> persistently: Sometimes the disk comes up as 'sda' and sometimes as
> 'sdb', although both internal disks are connected to the same onboard
> SATA controller. I am not yet absolutely sure, if the name swap happens
> always or randomly - but as I suspect it to be the reason for the
> failing swap discovery, which occurs reliably every time I (re)boot, I
> assume that it happens with _every_ boot cycle.

out of personal experience I would check the PSU as I had
similar problems in a box with several raid arrays not coming
up correctly or with disks missing that drove me mad
at changing disks and raid cards until I changed the PSU.

> NB: Some days before, I had to replace the system's other hard disk -

Are you sure that the disk was defective and not just undepowered
as they draw max current at boot when the disks spin up
at the same time?

> but I am quite (grrrr: very!) sure that the phenomenon occurred only and
> directly after the latest kernel update mentioned above, as the boot
> delay is hard to miss.
> Any hints are very welcome!
> Libre Grüße,
> Florian

Just my 2 cents

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