On Thu 13/Jan/2022 19:38:56 +0100 Simon wrote:
Similarly with file names. Once upon a time the human had to adapt to what the
computer supported - such as fitting your entire file name into 8 characters.
Now the computer (mostly) supports what is natural for a human - and that
includes using spaces in their writing.
Indeed, early writings didn't use spaces, not even underscores, to separate
words. And they had no 'puters at the time.
Spaces in filenames may look friendlier than underscores, but they undergo a
few annoying characteristics due to the fact that they cannot be seen. You
cannot distinguish them from tabs, or do you have a convention to not use tabs
in file names? And in that case may I ask why? Oh, tabs do something else in
a "save as..." form? Well, spaces do something else when you use them on the
command line. They require quoting, which is annoying.
When used in URLs spaces become %20, which is not more readable than _.
For some reason, nobody use spaces in the local part of email addresses,
although the syntax allows it. People do so in order to be easier.
Please don't use spaces in the names of files that you share.
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