On Thu, Jan 06, 2022 at 11:51:09AM +0100, Antony Stone wrote:
> Hi.
> I'm wondering whether there is any way of getting a list or log file of 
> processes which get started and terminated, independently of whether those 
> processes themselves actually do any logging.
> I'm wondering whether there's a logging option buried in whichever part of 
> the 
> system assigns and recovers process IDs as things get started and stopped, 
> perhaps?

 There is audit exactly for that purpose. Something like

 auditctl -a task,always
 ausearch -i -sc execve

 should get you started.

 Another option could be execsnoop
Tomasz Torcz                                                       72->|   80->|
to...@pipebreaker.pl                                               72->|   80->|

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