On Wednesday, 22 December at 07:08, Steve Litt wrote:
PDC (Pretty Darn Cool)!

Thank you!

With my /bin/sh (which I believe is dash) I had to change:

function whatever {


whatever() {

on all three function declarations.

Yes, now that you mention it, that tends to vary between shells. I should have included them.

In the rest of this email, I'm referring to your program as jacketc to
save myself some keystrokes.

On my computer, Xterm normally has a nice 14 point font that I set in
.Xdefaults. But in jacketc, the fact that you give it a name
(jackinthebox) makes the font go to about 5 point, which is totally
useless for my eyes. Do I need to make some special adjustment in

I don't know much about .Xdefaults (mine just has some yeahconsole leftovers), but xterm should have a parameter to define the font (and its size), maybe something like -fc?

As a temporary workaround, you can ctrl-rightclick anywhere in the window to get a menu, allowing you to change the font size.

I'm used to these kinds of terminals not having window decorations. Any
way to accomplish that?

That would depend on your window manager. I use Fluxbox, so I have the following lines in $HOME/.fluxbox/apps:

[app] (name=jackinthebox) {1}
  [Deco] {NONE}

YWMMV [ Your Window Manager May Vary :^D ]

On my machine, jacketc doesn't shift focus to the newly appeared
window. Is there a reason why not?

Huh, that's odd. The "windowfocus" command should do that, with "windowraise" thrown in for good measure.

YWMMV, again?

In any window manager enabling you to execute arbitrary commands with a
keystroke, you can just set that keystroke to run jacketc.

Sounds convenient if you have one of those window managers :^)

Thanks for introducing me to xdotool. I'll be using that a lot from now
on. Just another reason I'm going to wait as long as possible to switch
to Wayland.

I do have one criticism of jacketc: Lennart Poettering wouldn't approve
of it.

It's probably best if I not voice my opinion on the subject (not, I suspect, that many here would disagree with me).



Sorry for not answering earlier (holidays and all that, y'know). In any case, thank you for your feedback; always appreciated.

- Antoine

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