On 2022-01-01 19:29:06, Simon wrote:
> Syeed Ali <syeed...@syeedali.com> wrote:
> > I have a closed case yet light still leaks out of the back of my PSU.
> > 
> > Numlock, desktop speaker, mouse DPI setting, monitors even when asleep,
> > my KVM, and every single port on my USB hub all leak.
> And then someone invented blue LEDs and suddenly the dark is lost to little 
> floodlights in the colour our night vision is most sensitive to - as every 
> designer decided that it would be “cool” to have a really bright blue LED on 
> an many devices as possible.
> Just don’t get me started on the id10t who thought making the sleep LED on 
> the front of a MacBook Pro “throb” just to make it even more difficult to 
> ignore.

I have things glued over most of those.

> For the last 21 months, my office has been the spare bedroom. I have to 
> switch everything off at the wall when it gets used as a bedroom. To your 
> list add network switch - which flickers all the time with background traffic 
> even when the computers are all off.
> It’s something when it’s possible to walk around the house lit only by little 
> LEDs - even the smoke detectors are tiny little floodlights, thankfully only 
> dim and green.

Alas my smoke alarm is right above the head end of my bed.

A big old stinking pile of genius that no one wants
coz there are too many silver coated monkeys in the world.
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