Le 30/12/2021 à 07:53, Steve Litt a écrit :
> The one improvement I can suggest with the article is to define all
> acronyms once within the text. Because I'm from North America, I call
> it "IT", and it took 10 minutes of looking up to find out that "ICT" is
> a European acronym for basically the same thing. It took about 25
> minutes to find out what an "SME" is.

    Thanks Steve. I'm an european and still can't remember the meaning
of both acronyms, although I understand from the context that they name
in some way the computer technology (~:

    For the article, English not being my mother tongue, I feel rather
confused (the html version doesn't help) although I understand that
Jaromil shares the same concerns as many of us about who manages the
future of Linux and in what direction. It is clear that Linus Torvalds
doesn't deal only with benevolent contributors. For userland I feel more
comfortable that there will long be a possibility to keep the freedom,
given we still get the kernel.

--    Didier

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