Le 17/12/2021 à 20:32, Marc Shapiro via Dng a écrit :
> On 12/16/21 04:44, Didier Kryn wrote:
>> Le 16/12/2021 à 07:08, Marc Shapiro via Dng a écrit :
>>> I don't think I'm up for compiling firefox from source.  And it would
>>> have to be recompiled every time mozilla releases a new version.
>>      Why do you need to track the very last version from Mozilla? The
>> package provided in Devuan Chimaera just works with Alsa out of the box.
> Not here.  I just uninstalled pulseaudio, again, and ran Firefox ESR
> (78.15.0esr 64-bit) and got complete silence.  Xine, however, was
> working this time.

    Firefox isn't my daily browser but I have it installed. I'm running
the same version of Firefox as you, on the same arch and the same distro
and it plays sound without pulseaudio. There must be something wrong in
your config. Have you Alsa installed? And QuasMixer? Is it the version
of Firefox provided by the Devuan package or did you compile it yourself?

    -- Didier

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