On Sun, Dec 12, 2021 at 09:40:20PM -0800, Marc Shapiro via Dng wrote:
> I was scrolling though my e-mail from the debian user group and I saw
> mention of pipewire, as a replacement for pulseaudio.  It seemed to suggest
> that it was in Testing, so would not be available on my Devuan Stable
> (chimaera) system, but I took a look, anyway.  It seems to be available,
> and, in fact, installed on my system.  It seems to have been brought in by
> zoom.

  Are you sure you want pipewire? Looking at the code:

  Main contributor is from certain company associated with color red and
a headgear. Given the sentiment on this list, you may want to think twice.

Tomasz Torcz                 “God, root, what's the difference?”
to...@pipebreaker.pl               “God is more forgiving.”

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