Steve Litt:
> I wonder if building Devuan can be further automated. Void Linux has
> some super-duper software processes to do much of this automatically.
> It works right off of a git server (unfortunately, github). If I'm not
> mistaken it puts out two updates a day, but of course there's no
> automatic updating so the user chooses when to do all the updates up to
> current. With very few people, Void Linux manages to keep a very
> complete distro with very few screwups, and they fix major security
> flaws about as fast as Debian.
> I'm wondering if Devuan could make use of something similar. Perhaps
> doing this would free up resources to Devuanize more packages, for less
> dependency on Debian.

You just have to provide build servers and maintainers, and then copy
the way debian does it.

> Before you ask, no, I can't help. I'm indexing my new book,

Writing takes time, indexing shouldn't, what's wrong here.

> I'm making
> provisions so programs written in Freepascal, C, and pretty much any
> other language, can send a sine wave to the speakers (a capability
> requiring waaaaay too much programming in Linux). Of course I'll
> release it as Free Software.

Have a look at:

> In the
> long run it's probably going to be advantageous for Devuan to move more
> toward a distro of its own, before the Debian crowd decide to put in
> halloween code to sabotage Devuan.

Sure, what programs do you want to maintain ?
Can you provide a build server ?

Me myself, I could work on
. removing bogus debendancies on udev in packages
. busybox init
. kernels without iiniramfs for traditional desktop computers with ahci 
  sata if.
. udev-less systems

just don't know the devuan process.

/Karl Hammar

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