Oops, sorry, replied directly to spiralofhope instead of the list.

On 2021-10-26 22:35:57, spiralofhope wrote:
> On Tue, 26 Oct 2021 23:15:15 -0400
> Hendrik Boom via Dng <dng@lists.dyne.org> wrote:
> > I'll have to replace the RAM, I guess.  Or find out what memory bus
> > is failing.
> I know this sounds odd, but I had memory errors galore which were
> solved by a new power supply.
> Apparently a jackass flipping breakers off and on quickly had stressed
> it out.  Linux worked without complaint but Windows 8.1 occasionally
> bluescreened.  If you have a spare PSU, try that first.

I've had that sort of arsehole in the past to.  A paranoid guy that
thought everyone else in the house was an undercover cop spying on him. 
He would kill the power to the house every now and then.

> This may be obvious, but a memory testing suggestion:
> Remove all but one stick
> With that one stick in a particular slot, memtest
> If failed, repeat with each single stick in that same slot
> If all fail, move up a slot and test each stick
> I know it's a pain, but it might determine if the any/all memory sticks
> or if the motherboard are bad.

I've had to do that in the past, the result was that I found out it was
one particular slot in the mother board, all the RAM was fine.  Replaced
the motherboard, all was fine.

A big old stinking pile of genius that no one wants
coz there are too many silver coated monkeys in the world.
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