Dear list

Beowulf is hit hard by a problem with hardcoded path in grub-efi-amd64-signed 
leading to an unbootable system as reported on this list and on dev1galaxy 
(manual intervention in certain configurations needed to boot). This problem 
also exists on fresh installs of beowulf, as it seems. Is there some effort 
under way to fix the problem? 

Best regards, Adrian.

Work-around (thanks to fsmithred):

# apt purge grub-efi-amd64-signed
# apt install --reinstall grub-efi-amd64


On this list: 
"Strange behaviour with last version of grub" by viverna (04/03/2021 17:22)

In the Dev1 Galaxy Forum:
"Strange behaviour with last version of grub" by viverna (2021-03-04)
"Issues with booting a fresh Beowulf install" by chomwitt (2021-07-10)

...and the mentioned underlaying Debian Bug report:
"Wrong prefix directory hardcoded in signed GRUB image" by Pascal Hambourg 

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