It's a spelling change!

Thanks Rick, for this lighthearted take on this!
Very much welcome and appreciated on my part.

It appears that Mr. Lee's corporate entity "freenode Limited" has,
at least for now, Registrant status for three Internet domains,  Mr. Lee appears to have no other assets relevant
to what until now was called Freenode and, probably by the end of Thursday,
his time, his three Internet domains will point to no Internet
infrastructure, as it will all disaffiliate and reconstitute itself as
"LiberaChat" -- as is happening in real time as I write this.

This actually is the "dream" of any infra person facing a relentless ego-bloated hijacker above in such a situation.

As you pointed out, it's not an isolated incident, and I also witnessed that happening years ago amongst aviation simmers/enthusiasts at IVAO. attempted hijacking by the domain owner, which resulted in a split and a move to which then hosted the actual infra. promised it would continue services, called for staff to remain, but the technical know-how and assets actually slipped between that guy's fingers. Today, is an empty shell, progressively forgotten by elders and unknown from the newcomers.
Sounds familiar? (o:

I do hope that change does not hurt IRC use more than it was already, albeit I somehom know it does/will. IRC is not popular amongst the masses anymore, as the general population get more and more individualistic, and does not think nor care about principles behind the products they seek using, usually proprietary, free of charge or not.

Grab the pop-corn,
Bernard (Beer) Rosset
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