>Στις 5/3/21 2:05 μ.μ., ο/η Steve Litt έγραψε:
>> meet.jit.si works pretty darn well  
>no it doesn't. at least not for everyone.. 

What specific claims do people have about meet.jit.si?

>a list of jitsi instances :

The preceding link is outstanding information. Thank you!

Just for fun I went to https://allo.bim.land , which is on the
framatalk list, and it worked just as well as meet.jit.si.

The benefit of this list is if meet.jit.si ever dies during a meeting
or classroom, there can be a predefined list of alternate URLs to go
to. This makes Jitsi a much safer choice than I thought it was.



Steve Litt 
Spring 2020 featured book: Thriving in Tough Times
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