On Thu, Mar 4, 2021 at 6:27 PM Steve Litt <sl...@troubleshooters.com> wrote:

AS there seem to be quite a number enjoying this - - - - well you've caused me
to crawl down the water drains and . . .

> Here are my favorite music decades, from most to least liked:
> 1) 1990's
> 2) 1980's
> 3) 1960's
> 4) 1970's
> 5) 2000's
> 6) 1950's
> 7) 2010's
Nothin like the late 1500s or early 1600s.
The 1700 had quite a number of very interesting moments.
The the 1800s - - - - well I could go on for hours - - - -
   you ever hear a Stein fortepiano on full stick with a big enough voice
   going full bore on some mid/late Schubert or most of Schumann.
Listening to something like the Amadeus quartet - - - - guys only played
together for some 50 + years. One guy died and they disbanded - - - -it
would have been terribly difficult to integrate someone else - - - no matter
how good a player.
Lots more to say here!!!
Finishing the 1800s and into the beginning of the 1900s - - - - well - - -
how many hours will you give me. Some of the composers - - - - great
music but boy were they shysters at life!
Should tell you about a concert I was fortunate enough to here in
Munich - - - - we clapped for '20' minutes - - - - what a performance!!!!

So a number of decades - - - meh - - - I've got almost as many centuries!

Saw you a few and have raised you hard!

What else you got?  (grin!)

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