On Thu, 7 Jan 2021 19:01:14 +0100
Bernard Rosset via Dng <dng@lists.dyne.org> wrote:

[denouncing parts, requesting repression, omitted]
> Bernard (Beer) Rosset
> https://rosset.net/

Cheers Beer!

Regarding a single, maybe questionably worded email without _any_
political content but the sole information, that there are serious
things happening in the USA /right now/, with (at that time) absolutely
unforeseeable but clearly severe, possibly even global consequences:
Don't you think, you're reacting (not only late, but also) a bit hard? 

I wonder (no, this is NOT a poll!), if there is a single person on this
list (or even on this planet), who is fully relaxed as to the current
situation of humanity.

In fact, without this email, which had been even marked in the subject
header as extraordinary, I probably would have missed the news for more
than the next 12 hours.

I suppose that you have been biased by the sender's email address - and
must confess, that at its first occurrence on this list, I had been
somewhat irritated as well. But OTOH, it's a widely accepted fact, that
"cocks" exist and that without them, ̶p̶r̶o̶b̶a̶b̶l̶y̶ ̶n̶o̶n̶e̶ ̶o̶f̶
̶u̶s̶ ̶w̶o̶u̶l̶d̶ the less veg(etari)an eaters among us would have to
live without some of our favorite dishes (not to mention the ringtone

NB: After having had a glimpse at "the rooster's" homepage, I just
remain wondering, what "psychonaught" tactics are, resp. if this is a
typo or another dubious word play -_-

With all best wishes into the seven directions,

Dng mailing list

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