On Fri, 18 Dec 2020 18:55:22 +0100
Antony Stone <antony.st...@devuan.open.source.it> wrote:

> On Friday 18 December 2020 at 00:17:48, tito via Dng wrote:
> > Hi,
> > a few days ago I was able to complete may new router
> > with 12 nics and 1 wifi.
> I'm intrigued.  What do you need 12 NICs for these days?
> (I say "these days" because (a) so many things are wireless now and
> don't use cables, and (b) VLANs are so easy to configure.)
> Many years ago I built machines with up to 20 NICs in them, but those
> were routers for buildings with many small companies in them, and
> only one Internet connection.  These days everyone has their own DSL.
> Thanks,
> Antony.

I just am fed up with the usual commercial wifi routers,
most of them are crap, bug and vulnerability ridden
and after a couple of updates the manufacturer forgets
about them.
My first ISP DSL-Modem-router at work was never updated in
years, so the only chance to have something that is updated 
is to use x86 and debian/devuan. Once it is setup it works
for years. At work usually I buy second hand security
appliances like the Sophos UTM-425 or Lanner stuff,
change the fans with some more silent ones and put
Devuan on them rather than pay the horrendous licenses
to get basically the same.
I love physical connections therefore I prefer NICs over Wifi,
so 12 of them are not so much (a few clients, a server, pos,
couple of printers, Nas, cash register, 2 modems...)
and you have just one entry point which is easier to defend
from intrusion. At  home I needed to build the box because
servers don't fit on shelves. I used a nice short depth case,
a Jetway NF592-Q170 board (8nics) and a quadport card
+ a alpha networks minipcie wifi card. Works like a charm.
It allows me to test at home stuff before I deploy it at work
and gives me some freedom as I run my own cloud with
calendar and address book, adblocking and dns......
and I like to tinker!!!
That's why I love Devuan because Debian by adding
unneeded complexity wants to deprive me of the 
power of doing things by myself and understanding how 
they work.


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