On 2020年12月15日 22:43:20 JST, Brad Campbell via Dng <dng@lists.dyne.org> wrote:
>On 8/12/20 5:02 pm, Martin Steigerwald wrote:
>> I am still using dehydrated. It is a simple shell script which just
>> depends on curl, openssl and ca-certificates. There is an additional
>> package for apache2 support, which just contains the site
>> for the web challenge thing, and one for DNS challenge.
>> I think there is an alternative to it, called acme.sh. I never looked
>> into it.
>I use acme.sh with dns challenges. Does what it says on the tin and 
>didn't need any complex deps.
>For the rest of the thread :
>  +1 mythic-beasts for co-lo and vps hosting and uf.r4l.com for domain 
>registration since 2006. I run my own dns servers though.
>I don't particularly like letsencrypt, but for installing certs to keep
>stuff happy it does the job for now. Most of my stuff uses self-signed 
>where I can get away with it.
>Dng mailing list

Same here.
 Don t need to run it from server.   
Just a csr and copy the challenges 
on your dns records.
Dng mailing list

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