It makes me sad that this view is deemed 'contrarian'.  As a sysadmin, I
consider it obvious common sense.

I have no idea if it is contrarian or if it is the silent majority of opinions. However the opinion being more vocal definitely seems to be the one encouraging TLS encryption. The most vocal opinion tend to appear as winning or having won the ticket... that way of seeing things creates problems if a silent majority exists and when it suddenly expresses itself. I guess recent times tried to teach us lessons about that.

If it can help you understanding the world better, there are no such things as "obvious" nor "common sense". Those are made-up stances which bring the comfortable and convenient consequence of avoiding debate.

Don't get me wrong: we all are glad to join groups in which at least part of our opinions are externally validated. It just does not mean one's right. There will always be at least one person, amongst the billions crawling over this planet, having the exact opposite idea... and it does not imply that person is less sagacious or qualified than you are.

Bernard (Beer) Rosset
Dng mailing list

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