I don't know to whom these should go to, or how to get them fixed.
Having read the fine manual:
man apparmor
man apparmor.d
have any mention of apparmor.d/local
There is no mention of proper formatting of apparmor.d/local files.
At https://gitlab.com/apparmor/apparmor/-/wikis/Policy_Layout
there is a mention of
but there does not appear to be any documentation on
formatting of the files in the local subdirectory,
which is different from the profiles.
But they also say that the Debian distribution includes
the documentation and Debian specific notes.
So, can you trust documentation that contradicts itself?
Profiles and packaging:
There is no apparmor profile for FIREFOX-ESR
There is a firefox profile in apparmor-profiles-extra.deb
which appears to work after changing the name appropriately.
The apparmor profile is part of the package.
The point of these last items is the inconsistent packaging.
There should probably be a guideline that profiles go with the package
or in a separate package.
I discovered this after installing MSMTP and having it mysteriously fail
when the log directory was changed.
I imagine that I am not the first person to have the learning opportunity
that inconsistent packaging creates.
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