I just installed a Jitsi instance on one of my old servers last week. My
15 year old granddaughter did most of the work. We built it as a Xen
virtual with 10G disk, 4G RAM and 4 dedicated cores. We used ASCII as
the Distro.

Tests so far have been two people (test for more planned for later this
week). With two people in the video conference, we ran about 8Mb/s
pretty steady the whole hour. Processor was about 40% on all four cores
and RAM was pretty much untouched.

A basic system is pretty much straight forward. It did "forget" to
create the rc.d entry for jitsi-videobridge2 service, but that was easy
to fix with
update-rc.d jitsi-videobridge2 defaults

More advanced setups allow you to set a password before you can create a
meeting (so not just anyone can do it), the ability to record the
meeting, and an interface with SIP. I have not tested any of those.

All in all, jitsi rocks. Tracking consists of some info in their own log
in /var/log/jitsi and, so far, all I've seen is the IP's that connect.

As was said, if all you want is a one off, or some occasional meetings,
https://meet.jit.si/ is set up and free. That way you don't eat
bandwidth and spend all the time building it out.

There is a client for Android, iPhone, OS-X, Debian, RPM, Arch and
Windoze. See https://jitsi.org/downloads/. I tried the Android version
on an old tablet and it worked ok. I mainly just use my browser. It
complains if I use an old version of FF, but it works so far with FF and
Chromium so you don't need to install a client.

Just found out about it a few weeks ago, so I haven't had time to break
it yet. So, nothing bad so far except the bandwidth, which isn't
horrible. Feel free to contact me if you want some graphs or the results
of our Wednesday test.


On 04/04/2020 05:07 AM, Raul Claro wrote:
> Dear Devlers,
>     is there a way of holding a video- or an audioconference with
> Firefox (or Vivaldi) on Devuan?  The ones I have come in contact with.
> such als /https://global.gotomeeting.com/,  /work only with Windows or
> Mac and Chrome.
>      Are there any Debian/Devuan alternatives to these systems?
>     Thanks
>     Raúl
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