
Rowland penny via Dng writes:

> On 10/01/2020 07:13, Rick Moen wrote:
>> Quoting Rowland penny via Dng (dng@lists.dyne.org):
>>>> Le projet Clearlooks-Phénix a pour but de créer une version GTK3 de
>>>> Clearlooks, thème par défaut de Gnome 2. Un style est également inclus
>>>> pour GTK2, Unity et les gestionnaires de fenêtres Metacity, Openbox et 
>>>> Xfwm4."
>>>> fsmithred
>>> Pardon ? Sorry but I do not speak French (at least I think it is
>>> French), but if you are referring to the mythical bird that rises
>>> from the ashes, it is 'Phoenix' in English. Anything else is not
>>> English.
>> Vous devez apprendre à parler la belle langue.  Même certains Anglais
>> peuvent l'apprendre.
> Why ? Everyone else seems to want to learn English ;-)

Want to?

I was forced to at the tender age of 12.
In addition to French.
And German one year later.

Olaf Meeuwissen, LPIC-2            FSF Associate Member since 2004-01-27
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