il devuanizzato Steve Litt <> il 25-11-19 02:48:08 ha 
I wrote this summer in this list about a possibility of inject init
run scripts (for example runit) in all Devuan packages automatically.

This is a great idea. I've been in favor of something similar since
2015. It frees "upstreams" from the responsibility of maintaining init
script/configurations for init systems they don't care about or perhaps
despise. Daemon start files are written by experts on the init system.

Script I wrote support epoch and runit. Other init can be supported
if implemented.

Thank you so much for remembering Epoch! It's excellent and fast.
Yes I thank you because I did not know Epoch until I read this:

Although Epoch was last maintained in 2016, it was the fastest and
easiest init to configure, and my experience was that it was in the
same ballpark, boot time wise, as systemd and runit.
I confirm all!

< Viverna >
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