On 11/11/19 5:06 PM, Steve Litt wrote:
On Sat, 9 Nov 2019 12:53:26 -0800
tom <t...@206-212-236-243.static.onlinenw.com> wrote:
On Fri, 8 Nov 2019 16:55:34 +0100
"Dr. Nikolaus Klepp" <dr.kl...@gmx.at> wrote:
Anno domini 2019 Fri, 8 Nov 16:36:24 +0100
Joril via Dng scripsit:
On 08/11/19 16:21, g4sra via Dng wrote:
FYI: ext4 filesystem journaling (and swap) *should* be disabled
by default on SD\SDHC media.
To reduce wear?
I really don't think data-loss is an acceptable compromise just to
reduce wear.
Lack of a journal doesn't necessarily mean data loss. It just means
that you might need to run fsck.ext4 on the drive after unmounting.
Occasionally you do lose data: I think it has to do with crash
shutdowns twice in a row without an intervening fsck.ext4.
Steve Litt
November 2019 featured book: Manager's Guide to Technical
Troubleshooting Second edition
Dng mailing list
There are actually a couple of ways around the SD wear issue, even though
people seem to dearly LOVE SSDs with the exact same issue;
1.) Use a USB drive.
2.) Somewhat more esoteric, PXE boot and run from an NFS image.
The how-tos for the later seem to avoid talking about how to set up a proper
PXE boot environment using ISC DHCP, but I'll crack that nut shortly.
I love PXE and use it to install windows 7, freebsd, VMWare and a whole bunch
of Linux distros in my home lab
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