On 10/1/19 12:57 AM, goli...@devuan.org wrote:
> On 2019-09-30 09:27, Simon Walter wrote:
>> On 9/29/19 12:36 PM, goli...@devuan.org wrote:
>>> Sorry Steve . . . I think this idea is naive, ill-advised and a tactical
>>> error that could have very real, unintended consequences.
>> So that the ignorant among us can understand learn, do you mind telling
>> us why?
>> Thanks,
>> Simon
> History is littered with examples of real harm done to individuals and
> society by "business as usual". Even when there is a substantial body
> count, it can take decades for acknowledgement and restitution. I have
> been there, done that too many times. IMO, a bunch of disgruntled geeks
> moaning about software choices just does not have the leverage needed to
> move a corporate mountain.  However, should enough voices become an
> irritation to said corporate mountain, retaliation could be
> "interesting" . . .

So you consider us "a bunch of disgruntled geeks moaning about software
choices". Do you realize how poorly written and thought-out systemd is?
It's not a choice. It's a liability.

History is also littered with people who successfully wrote an appeal

> As Bruce noted, Steve has every right to pursue any tactic he chooses
> and I will be the first to congratulate him if he succeeds.  In the
> meantime, I choose to do real work to support alternatives rather than
> tilt at windmills.  :)

Shall I clap? I didn't ask what you were doing. I really wanted to know
why it is a bad idea. You speak with such authority. I thought perhaps
you had some useful information that you could share.

What about a petition? Do you think that is more tame and less likely to
bring "retaliation"?

I honestly would like to know. Because I could see myself putting my
name on a petition.
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