On Tue, 21 May 2019 14:42:06 -0400
"Ismael L. Donis Garcia" <sli...@natio.co.cu> wrote:

> system - administration - users and groups - advanced settings
> it does not work. Does not do anything when pressing the button

What are you trying to do?
Which VM/desktop are you running.
Under xfce4 there is no system -> admin, so obviously what you get
depends on your desktop and basically what programs you have install.
> Neither does it ask me for the root password when I try to run
> synaptic from the menu.

does it run or not run?
You might have to pop a terminal, su, then run the program.

> I have this problem in 2 pc that I just installed an ascii and
> another beowulf updated from ascii
> This pc that I come from debian 8 with her I do not have that problem.
> Best Regards
> --
> Ismael
> Devuan User: http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=devuan

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