wirelessduck--- via Dng wrote on 22/5/19 8:16 am:
>> When I did this, I had to pre-include the ssh keys, so I haven't fully 
>> mastered the process, but it was good enough for the task at hand.
> Apparently there’s some “cloud-init” package that might handle that? I’m 
> still not entirely sure what that package does and how it works though.
> When I needed some AMI images, I used the official Debian Stretch image and 
> converted to Devuan, making sure all all of the Devuan packages like 
> devuan-keyring and devuan-baseconf were installed.

Yes, "cloud-init" is a client that connects out on the link-local net to
pull in "initial start" configurations, and then do things to the system
at initial start. It pulls in initial ssh keys if given, and it might
extend the root partition to fill out the disk etc. Scary stuff, but handy.

Last year I made ASCII AMI's that are still available at Ireland and
Sydney in the name of "Devuan 2.0 ASCII (rrq)". They include cloud-init
to allow you to set ssh access key at launch. I made some notes about
how I made them, still at

Recently this was worked through by Alex Zilber, and he dropped the
pointer https://github.com/ConsulTent/devuan-builder/tree/2_ascii_ec2
for his effort, which should be available as an AMI at us-east-1 named
*Devuan 2 (Ascii)".


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