
Now that the proof of concept is out, I am thinking about extending it a 
little bit.

- make is a package
- make "install-or-update.sh" into "/usr/bin/userservices" with the 
following actions:
  - install: Sets up userservices for the user
  - update: Updates it
  - remove: Removes i
- make "userservice" alias into "/usr/bin/userservice"
  - that way the user would not have to setup an alias anymore.

So with these changes using user services would be like:

As root:

apt install user-services

As user:

userservices install

userservice enable redshift

[x] done :)

If user-services packaged gets updated, the user can decide to update 
her installation with:

userservices update

Ideally it would take into account when the user changed some services.

What do you think about that?

It would be some work, but I for me this sounds like a good idea.

In anyway: This is still in proof of concept stage, so I may change 
everything :). If you are using this, you are brave alpha tester :)


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