H Didier,

On 4/5/19 13:18, Didier Kryn wrote:

Hi all, in particular Steve and Aitor who have tested the program.

    Two new boolean parameters are now recognised in the config file:

    Decorate = True means the window has border, title and buttons, False means it has none of these.

    Autohide = True means the window is automatically hidden when there isn't any hotplug device; False means it remains visible.

    Sending the signal SIGHUP now toggles the visibility of the window.


For testing the translations of your hopman project add the following headers in the GTK2/hopman.c main function:

    #include <libintl.h>
    #include <locale.h>

You also need to add the following macro in those files containing translations:

    #define _(STRING) gettext(STRING)

so that, you can use something like this in the begining of the GTK"/hopman.c:

    setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
    bindtextdomain ("hopman", "/usr/share/locale");
    textdomain ("hopman");

    printf( _("Starting hopman...\n") );

The bindtextdomain function uses the following format:

bindtextdomain (const char *domain_name, const char *dir_name);

and the translations will be found in the $dir_name/locale/$lang/LC_MESSAGES/project_name.mo, once you have installed the application; otherwise, the directory should be the po/ folder.
(have a look at your "/usr/share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/" directory)

Lets create the template.pot file (we are located in the hotman/ directory):

$> xgettext --keyword=_ --language=C --add-comments --sort-output \
-o po/template.pot  \
annex/*.c GTK2/*.c watch/*.c \
annex/*.h GTK2/*.h watch/*.h hopman.h

A po/hello.pot template is created and should look like this:

# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-05-04 14:39+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <l...@li.org>\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: GTK2/hopman.c:46 GTK2/hopman.c:47
#, c-format
msgid "Starting hopman...\n"
msgstr ""

Now you can customize a bit the header of this template by replacing a few default by proper values of Project-Id-Version, Report-Msgid-Bugs-To, the charset, the first author, etc...

So, now we have full template to start with, we can start to work on a translation for this program. Lets start with a French translation of it. We need to create a file po/fr.po extracted from the template.

$> msginit --input=po/template.pot --locale=fr --output=po/fr.po

Have a look at the generated po/fr.po file and write the pertinent translations in the msgstr "" lines.

You can test the program by the following way:

$> LANG=fr_FR ./GTK2/hopman

The new Makefile will update automatically the translations:

#     Copyright (C) 2019 Didier Kryn <k...@in2p3.fr> -- See LICENSE
# 'make'           builds the executable
# 'make clean'     removes object files, keeps libraries and executable
# 'make install'   installs executable, default config file, icon and launcher
# 'make cleanall'  removes everything but source files and installed files
# 'make uninstall' removes installed files
# You must be root to make install/uninstall

SWATCH_FUNC = `find swatch -name "*.c"``find swatch -name "*.h"`
ANNEX_FUNC = `find annex -name "*.c"``find annex -name "*.h"`
UI_FUNC_GTK2 = `find GTK2 -name "*.c"``find GTK2 -name "*.h"`

TRANSLATED_FILES=`find . -name "*.c"``find . -name "*.h"`
POFILES=`find po -name "*.po"`

INSTALLED_FILES = /usr/bin/hopman /usr/share/man/man8/hopman.8.gz \
/etc/default/hopmanrc /usr/share/pixmaps/hopman.png \
/usr/share/applications/hopman.desktop /usr/share/doc/hopman/copyright


all: GTK2/hopman

GTK2/hopman: $(UI_FUNC_GTK2) \
    watch/watch.a annex/annex.a
    make -C GTK2 hopman

po/*.mo: po/*.po
    msgfmt --output-file=$@ $<

po/*.po: po/*.pot
    msgmerge --update $@ $<

po/template.pot: $(TRANSLATED_FILES)
    xgettext -k_ -j -lC -c -s -o po/template.pot $(TRANSLATED_FILES)

watch/watch.a: $(WATCH_FUNC)
    make -C watch watch.a

annex/annex.a: $(ANNEX_FUNC)
    make -C annex annex.a

/usr/bin/hopman: GTK2/hopman
    cp $< $@

/usr/share/man/man8/hopman.8.gz: doc/man/man8/hopman
    gzip -c  $<   > $@

/etc/default/hopmanrc: annex/hopmanrc
    cp  $<  $@

/usr/share/pixmaps/hopman.png: icon/removable-media-32x32.png
    cp $<  $@

/usr/share/applications/hopman.desktop: hopman.desktop
    cp $<  $@

/usr/share/doc/hopman/copyright: LICENSE /usr/share/doc/hopman
    cp $<  $@

    mkdir $@

    make -C watch clean
    make -C annex clean
    make -C GTK2 clean
    @rm -vf $(wildcard doc/man/man8/*~)
    @rm -vf $(wildcard *~)

    make -C watch cleanall
    make -C annex cleanall
    make -C GTK2 cleanall
    @rm -vf $(wildcard doc/man/man8/*~)
    @rm -vf $(wildcard *~)

    for cat in $(POFILES); do \
      cat=`echo $${cat%.*}`; \
      lang=`echo $${cat#*/}`; \
      cp -av $$cat /usr/share/locale/$$lang/LC_MESSAGES/hopman.mo; \

    @rm -vf $(INSTALLED_FILES)
    @rm -rvf /usr/share/doc/hopman
    for cat in $(POFILES); do \
      cat=`echo $$cat | sed 's/\.po$$//'`; \
      lang=`echo $$cat | cut -d "/" -f2`; \
      rm -f /usr/share/locale/$$lang/LC_MESSAGES/hopman.mo; \

.PHONY: clean cleanall uninstall

Thanks for your attention,

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