Hi Didier,
On 28/4/19 22:59, Didier Kryn wrote:
Thanks a lot Aitor.
In the mean time I've found a bug which should cause memory leak
and possible segfault. I'll do a few checks and push the corrected
version asap.
On Thu, 2015-11-26 at 17:04 +0000, Roger Leigh wrote:
On 26/11/2015 15:00, Svante Signell wrote:
Hi, what's wrong with plain GNU make, and the GNU auto-tools?
Nothing is wrong with "plain make", providing that it meets your needs.
But often you want more than plain make can offer. There's plenty to
criticise with the autotools, the baroque complexity being the primary
one. CMake is a big upgrade from the autotools; it's vastly more
featureful and powerful, has better portability for modern systems, and
still works with make when generating Makefiles. The autotools have
failed to keep up to date with modern portability requirements; the
capabilities CMake has to offer are unmatched at the present time,
though it also has its own warts. After 15 years of autotools use, I
converted all my stuff to CMake over the last two years, and I'm not
looking back.
What about the use of CMake?
I can help on that, and also in the translations.
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