Jaromil <jaro...@dyne.org> writes:
he is now in moderation. if the trolling comes back from other
accounts please don't feed.

Thank you, I was coming to suggest that as well.
The whole going-for-blood-or-else thing was getting on my nerves.

People particularly concerned with security did the sensible thing as a temporary measure and with all the assurances already given, are back to normal as there is indeed no ill-intent or reason to distrust the people
with access to infrastructure.

Also thank you for the non-exhaustive list of KatolaZ' contributions; I didn't personify this, even if he apologised (which is indeed highly appreciated), because I don't consider this event a few people's fault, but something to be analysed and solved to avoid issues in the future.

In my experience, blaming never solves things.
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