On Monday 01 April 2019 at 21:27:25, Mike Bird wrote:

> On Mon April 1 2019 12:18:53 Antony Stone wrote:
> > If this incident has made you distrust the Devuan project, you're
> > probably better off using a different distro.
> Are you a sysadmin?


> Are you responsible for other people's data?


> Let's say you have the misfortune to have one of your servers hacked
> one day.  Credit card numbers are stolen.  Lawsuits are filed.

Let's say, agreed.

> You claim in your defense that you were doing your best to keep the
> information secure.
> Plaintiff's lawyers discover that you were using Devuan and Devuan
> had not responded seriously to this incident.

What incident?

Why can you not comprehend or accept that there has been no security breach of 
Devuan's systems?

> You are now bankrupt, unemployed, and unemployable.

No, I have complied with my country's laws regarding personal data protection 
and taken "appropriate technical and organisational measures" to ensure the 
security of the systems.

Using a Debian-based Linux distribution which eliminates systemd does not mean 
I'm failing to do a competent job.

> Believe me, the other four need to get their acts together and very
> quickly if they want anyone other than themselves to continue using
> Devuan.

I don't believe you.

Others can make their own minds up.


"I find the whole business of religion profoundly interesting.  But it does 
mystify me that otherwise intelligent people take it seriously."

 - Douglas Adams

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