Rowland wrote: > On Fri, 8 Mar 2019 11:44:49 -0600 > "Jamey Fletcher" <> wrote:
>> I have it here on my Gentoo install - and /var/lib/dbus/machine-id is >> a symlink to it. It's basically the same length as a MD5SUM - why >> not just standardize on the MD5SUM of an empty 0-byte file ( >> d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e ) and tell them to take a running >> leap from the ISS? > Now that's an idea, if they are tracking us, one ID will appear to be > everywhere at once, that should confuse them ;-) I had, at one point, proposed to a friend that we set up a tool that would, any time a tracking cookie was set by DoubleClick or one of the other tracking companies, upload it to a pool, from which anytime DoubleClick requested said cookie from your machine, it would retrieve one at random and return it, poisoning their database. Probably have to do it with a local proxy server, but seems feasible. (Kinda like the winnow-and-chaff satellite internet service I wanted to propose. You send your data, encrypted, up to the service, and it's all uploaded to the satellite, and broadcast everywhere, along with all of the other data being sent, mixed up randomly. If the other end could decode it, it was for them, everything else was just semi-random noise to make it more difficult for the Nosy Spy Agency to classify and decrypt. Of course, from a few years on, I don't think it would be quite that easy, but ... maybe, with public-key encryption?) _______________________________________________ Dng mailing list