On 20/12/18 at 15:32, Arnt Karlsen wrote:
> On Thu, 20 Dec 2018 00:59:35 +1100, Ralph wrote in message 
> <c8fde44f-6df4-4e28-08a5-059b97887...@gmail.com>:
>> There is this notion of "kexec boot"; I've never tried it, but it's
>> documentation claims "kexec  is  a system call that enables you to
>> load and boot into another kernel from the currently running kernel."
>> Maybe it comes with too many ifs and buts to be a viable approach.
>> Ralph.
> ..I used to "kexec reboot" a lot in my pre-systemd Debian days, 
> AFAIR, bought me nice long uptimes with new kernels. ;o)

  AFAIR, uptime is not maintained through a kexec.

Alessandro Selli <alessandrose...@linux.com>
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