On 28/11/18 at 12:45, KatolaZ wrote:


> Unfortunately, most of this thread has been just about "oh look how
> cool MY setup is, oh I went around that, oh I tried this and that, oh
> I want to have /var on a tmpfs, oh I mount /usr over NFS and you
> should try it as well..."  and so on and so forth.

  Yeah, there used to be a time when GNU/Linux allowed sysadmins to
easily customize the filesystem layout for whatever reason, it didn't
stand in the way because what someone chose not to follow the deafults,
or because someone had specific needs that were not taken into account
when the distribution was setup.

  Today this is no longer the case, sadly, Linux is following the path
of proprietary OSes that prevent user's choice in the name of ease of
upstream packagers.  "One size fits all, shut up and fit the mold".

  It's a shame to me that to regain that freedom of choice I hade to
"roll-up my sleeves", fork and maintain packages to undo decisions that
were ill-though of at the start.

> IMHO, this is mostly out of scope, and does not help Devuan improving
> by a single bit. I understand it's hard to appreciate for most of us,
> but putting together a distro is not about catering for the needs of
> just one user: there is an entire world of possibilities outside :)

  "just one user"?  Really?

  We're talking of not taking out choices and freedom to customize and
tinker, i.e. to cater to the needs of entire classes of users, that they
are already here or that they may develop in the future.  GNU/Linux is
just losing in adaptability, potability and customizability, which was
one of the reasons many people switched to it.

Alessandro Selli <alessandrose...@linux.com>
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